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TC Shaker Mini Vibrato
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SHAKER VIBRATO has been the sleeper hit of the TonePrint series. Guitarists loved adding the life and vibe of both subtle and pronounced vibrato effects – and rightly so! From classic Leslie and cool Mellotron tones all the way out to the fragile “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”-like sounds and modern ‘bottom of the ocean’ swirl, SHAKER VIBRATO delivers. Now you can have all that in SHAKER MINI VIBRATO, a pedal so small and so awesome sounding, you've simply got to add it to your pedalboard!
SHAKER VIBRATO has been the sleeper hit of the TonePrint series. Guitarists loved adding the life and vibe of both subtle and pronounced vibrato effects – and rightly so! From classic Leslie and cool Mellotron tones all the way out to the fragile “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”-like sounds and modern ‘bottom of the ocean’ swirl, SHAKER VIBRATO delivers. Now you can have all that in SHAKER MINI VIBRATO, a pedal so small and so awesome sounding, you've simply got to add it to your pedalboard!
Model: | 960809001 |
Manufacturer: | T.C. Electronics |
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